Westside Warriors is a volunteer-run program that relies 100% on engaged parent volunteers to run a successful season.
There are many opportunities throughout the year where parents can volunteer to ensure that all players can have the best football experience possible
As a parent-run organization, all parents are required to volunteer so that our children can have the best football experience possible. There are a variety of roles including coaching, team manager, Board of Directors, fields, special events and more!
Spring Flag Football:
- Parents are required to complete 2 hours of volunteering at the Westside Warriors Jamboree in May/June.
Fall Tackle Football:
- Parents are responsible to complete 6 hours of volunteering in the Fall season.
- A volunteer deposit cheque of $200 is required at registration, and the fee is fully refundable at the end of the season when volunteer hours have been completed.
- Volunteer roles include board members, coaches, team managers, field setup, commissioners, etc.